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Youtube Playlists
A playlist of our favorite hard dance tracks. To submit your music to us please visit our SubmitHub page. There is a $2 submission fee for their service.Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HardestSquadMusic Twitter: @HardestSquad Instagram: https://www.ins...
Here youll find a great collection of glitch hop bangers. If you are an artist or a record label feel free to get in contact by sending an e-mail.Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GlitchHopCommunity Twitter: @GlitchCommunity Instagram: https://www.insta...
213K Music for dancing. Accepting any kind of music I have a weekly top 10 on this channel so I joined SubmitHub so I can get new stuff. For song submissions please visit my SubmitHub page. There is a $2 fee for their submission service.Facebook: https://...