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Music is not just a collection of melodies and sounds. Music is a chemical element the main component of air. It fills our homes our cars and streets makes our hearts beat harder inspires for deeds and great achievements for confessions and kisses. This i...
985K Songs with vocals are preferred. No remixes! For song submissions please visit our SubmitHub page. There is a $2 fee for their submission service.Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SyrexMusic SubmitHub: https://www.submithub.com/blog/taj-tracks YouTu...
10.7K A pop and electronic music producer modern pop edm future bass/future chill. I rarely featureSoundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/hamster-842099699 SubmitHub: https://www.submithub.com/blog/hamsters-picks YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/...