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405K Your best source for chill hip hop beats. If you are looking for music for studying sleeping relaxing or just vibin in general you came to the right place. If you want to submit your music send me the link by e-mail or via dm on SoundCloud :)Soundcl...
617K The best bass music to date! To submit your music to us please visit our Music Submission Page. Twitter: @Centralbass12 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/centralbassboost Music Submission Page: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdFi5JEnxJvW...
123K Dedicated towards the official promotion of record labels and artists in the world of drum & bass music. Since inception in 2009 Skankandbass has unearthed some of the freshest talents in the scene and has opened many doors for unsigned artists. Stri...