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Atmospheric Folk Instrumental. Ambient Celtic Guitar and Some Medieval Guitar. ( Ambient Folk)

Marburg Germany
General Notes

Ambient folk calming instrumentals Celtic guitar old melodies. love to receive submissions and are already receiving dozens each day. Since Ive started to receive so many songs that it became impossible to review all of them in depth and really search for a playlist that fits Ive set up my Patreon in order to offer Musicians a place to submit songs to me each month. The submissions I receive on Patreon are of utmost importance to me and I really try to find a place where they fit in. Website: https://lunngfern.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lunngfern Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lunngfern Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lunngfern Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/de/playlist/atmospheric-folk-instrumental-ambient-celtic-guitar/pl.7806d1da761a47629743f396c4cf9539
