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Coconut Wata

KWNTO Sounds (Annissa) [email protected]
Toronto ON
General Notes

Press play — were training your waistline for carnival. We need a fast whine and peltin hips as you jump and wave to soca calypso and a little dancehall to prepare you for the road (outside is closed and Caribana is cancelled but you can still whine up in your living room). Submit your music to our e-mail or by visiting our Music Submission Page. Website: https://www.ryanflores.ca/kwntosounds Twitter: @kwntosounds Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kwntosounds Music Submission Page: https://www.ryanflores.ca/kwntosounds-submit-music Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/ca/playlist/coconut-wata-1-0/pl.u-yZyVlX1CzZ8E60
