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EDITORIAL PROFILE Bi-monthly. Audience is primarily 50+ active adults who live in rural areas or small towns. Many travel between northern and southern homes others across the country and abroad. Travel Stories must be personal experience with the location as background; include sidebar giving pertinent information. We especially need travel articles of destinations catering to 40+ audience especially retired seniors who enjoy a slower pace i.e. no whitewater rafting moutain climbing etc. Looking for small-town festivals articles about small unique towns attractions etc. Interesting and historical B&Bs. Remember first person experiences please. Looking for backroads; unique charming discoveries. Departments (800-1200 words) include: Readers Travels first-person experiences of traveling the backroads or to out-of-the-way places; Readers Hometowns historical and personality stories about small towns; Outdoor Life hobbies activities and events that use nature as their backdrop; Preserving Our Heritage portrayal of those who keep history alive by restoring buildings or promoting old-time professions and hobbies. QWC. Photos: B&W negatives color slides transparencies or prints. Submissions with photos evaluated asap. Guidelin