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Hip-hop across the Americas
Since its humble beginnings in downtown New York hip-hop has become one of the United States biggest cultural exports. The music has brought forth innumerable scenes and provided a voice to the politically disenfranchised across the globe. It bears particular significance across Latin America owing to a geographical proximity that has seen a body of work emerge holding hip-hop at its core whilst possessing an expansive range of regional influences. This fervent musical dialogue is documented here with appearances from both US artists who possess Latin American ancestry and tracks from the most vibrant local scenes south of Tijuana. Website: https://www.songlines.co.uk Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/songlines Twitter: @SonglinesMag Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/songlinesmagazine Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/playlist/pl.fbf2d74dbc464f31a95a1ed3cbbaedb7