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If You Like Jamie XX (Weekly Updates)
Jamie XX is currently one of the most exciting and versatile electronic music producers. His last album ‘In Colour will go down in history as one of the great electronic albums of the 2010s. This playlists celebrates his music created both by him as a solo artist as well as for projects such as The XX. These tracks are combined with tracks that sound like Jamie XX and are surely somewhat influenced by him or have been inspiration for Jamie to create his own sounds. You can reach us through our Contact Page. Website: http://www.perfects.nl Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/perfects.nl Twitter: @perfectsnl Contact Page: http://www.perfects.nl/perfect-partner Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/nl/playlist/perfect-if-you-like-jamie-xx/pl.3522a30c47b9444584763485c58bbf99