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Iso50 Blog
I created the blog portion of ISO50 so I?d have a chance to share my influences and the things that inspire me. Over the years I have collected a lot of amazing examples of design and I will be posting the choice specimens here with my commentary. I am no idealogue and certainly not an intellectual when it comes to design. I hold no college degrees and have never studied design. I have however independently practiced graphic design for almost ten years and at this point I feel I have a good grasp of what types of design I enjoy and what styles inform my own work. Obviously I do a good deal of looking back when it comes to inspiration. I feel the design that blossomed from the Bauhaus movement and came of age in the 1960?s was the Zenith of an art form whose importance would fade away as Television and later the Internet took over the reigns of visual communication thus effectively transforming the medium.