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Description: Our playlist of Australian punk videos. If you like any band published here/ please support them by buying their material.
A blog about psychedelia progressive rock jazz blues folk punk metal & avant-garde music. Obscure and rare music is our passion. We do reviews articles and interviews with underground and well known artists
The order is by year the band started. No not EVERY punk band will be listed here because that would beimpossible. It is in chronological order by year the band formed starting with bands that may not be punk but hadinfluence on the first punk bands.
Bad Magics is a secret group whose primary objective is to educate the masses. Just kidding? but really we educate the masses. In all honesty we are here to create an expressive platform for art design ideas & opinions. We are the roll up your sleeves typ...
READERSHIP/AUDIENCE PROFILE General EDITORIAL PROFILE JUICE MAGAZINE covers only the most respected personalities in punk rock skateboarding and surfing.