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Based in Nebraska the Go Venue Magazine is the go-to source for marvelous concerts music news and events surrounding the state of Nebraska/Iowa. We review wide variety of music genres from local national and international. We write and photograph on varie...
MRR magazine has covered the international DIY punk hardcore and garage rock scene since 1982 and MRR Radio has been kicking butt since 1977. Our website at maximumrocknroll.com offers even more punk radness!
Alternative rock / Punk / Emo / Hardcore website delivering News Reviews Videos Interviews Festival content and lots more
Bad Magics is a secret group whose primary objective is to educate the masses. Just kidding? but really we educate the masses. In all honesty we are here to create an expressive platform for art design ideas & opinions. We are the roll up your sleeves typ...
Hardcore / punk songs you should know.