169206 Free Music Industry Contacts
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Apple Music Playlists
Playlist of classic jazz fusion tunes. Five Dragons Music requires a submission fee of $2. When you pay this fee you're guaranteed that Five Dragons Music will listen to your song(s). If we dont listen within 7 days you get your money back. Submit via our...
Chilling rap music. New songs always coming in the playlist. Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/finsterer1020 Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/at/playlist/chill-rap/pl.u-NpXmze4t47jgW5A
Chill electro dance music sometimes with funk & jazz influences. PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR MUSIC THROUGH OUR MUSIC SUBMISSION PAGE. We really dont have the time for submission messages. We created this system to be able to receive all the music that people are e...
R&B / trap / trap soul. To submit your music to us please visit our Music Submission Page. Website: http://diskover.co Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/diskover.co Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/diskover.co Music Submission Page: https://backoffic...