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Music Blogs
Ears to Feed began as a small project of a part-time college student between jobs that has grown into a home for a thriving underground scene. A team of friends committed to a DIY ethos always looking forward and staying true to themselves.
Feast of Music covers live music in NYC and occasionally other places. Launched in 2007 it aspires to give equal voice to all kinds of music: everything from an indie show in a Williamsburg dive to an orchestra concert in Carnegie Hall. As Duke Ellington...
Rosvot (Bandits) are 17 outlaws of the Finnish music scene blogging their spoil for your listening pleasure
Oblivious Pop is a music blog that focuses on discovering up coming indie pop artists. Our goal as a blog is to help bring great pop music out from the depths and deliver it to the sometimes oblivious listeners. We write about artist who we think have the...