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Music Blogs
The idea of creating The Record Stache all came to be while I sat one fine morning enjoying a nice bowl of Apple Jacks cereal. As I ate I thought to myself "This stuff matter-of-factly does not taste like apples." Like a giant burst of nostalgia I had a f...
Daily Music News / Publicity / Promotion
Indie Happy Hour is comprised of four college students who love listening to and sharing music. We go by Boulder Richmond Boston and Columbus? anonymity heightens the allure and it also keeps you guys paying attention to what matters: the music. Our theor...
Americana UK is run on a not-for-profit basis by a group of people around the UK out of an unhealthy addiction to the music. We?re (somewhere - it changes daily...) in the top five sites in the world for the word "americana" on Google and we?re always hap...