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Music Blogs
Fabulously hailing from Kuwait one of the world?s top music blogs (LOFT965.com) has been completely relaunched. Founded (in 2008) and managed by Nasser AlQatami LOFT965.com is known for its up-to-date take on the the music world introducing new artists to...
This blog is nothing more than a daily summary of all that I listened. An overview of Hip Hop as complete as possible. Titles posted on this blog for the sole purpose of promoting artists.
Our Mission: Provide our readers with a gringa perspective on Latino topics (music language culture food etc.) while showcasing the positive aspects of our bi-cultural experiences and breaking through the stereotypes of the Latino-Anglo intersection.
True to its name Live for Live Music is operated by and delivered to a targeted audience of avid concertgoers and experienced music business professionals. L4LM provides up-to-date news engaging reviews show calendars event photos interviews and creative...