169206 Free Music Industry Contacts

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Music Schools

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School of Music 1436 Evansdale Dr. PO Box 6111 Morgantown WV 26506 304-293-5511 Email: [email protected] Web: music.wvu.edu
Listing Title
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School of Communications 470 E. Lockwood Ave. St. Louis MO 63119 314-246-7800 800-981-9801 Email: [email protected] Web: webster.edu/music
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2812 W. 54th St. Los Angeles CA 90043 424-235-0665 SKYPE (Tanisha_ whaa) Email: [email protected] Web: whitehallacademy.org facebook.com/whitehallartsacademy Contact: any customer service rep. Program: private one-on-one lessons in voice piano strings guitar woodwind Duration: Private min. 30/45/60 Cost: Private ($120/170/210 monthly)
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542-544 Natoma St. #C-1 San Francisco CA 94103 800-926-1338 Web: womensaudiomission.org Program: Women’s Audio Mission (WAM) is a San Francisco-based nonprofit organization that is dedicated to the advancement of women in music production and the recording arts a field in which women are critically under-represented (less than 5%). Classes in Audio & Recording Technology.
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Department of Music Smith Hall 345 N. Monmouth Ave. Monmouth OR 97361 Contact: Julia Fruit Program & Facilities Coordinator 503-838-8461 Email: [email protected] Web: wou.edu/music