169206 Free Music Industry Contacts

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Music Schools

Listing Title
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Jim Halsey Company 3225 S. Norwood Ave. Ste. 100 Tulsa OK 74135 918-628-0400 Email: [email protected] Web: facebook.com/thehalseyinstitute Notes: The Halsey Institute is dedicated to providing the best possible specialized education in the Music and Entertainment Business.
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901 N. 96th St. Seattle WA 98103 206-526-8443 Email: [email protected] Web: musiccenternw.org Cost: please call or see web for info
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814 46th Ave. San Francisco CA 94115 415-752-0701 Email: [email protected] Web: audioinstitute.com Note: Recording Engineer and Music Producer School
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P.O. Box 1393 Goldenrod FL 327331393 407-674-7926 Email: [email protected] Web: centerforprotools.comProgram: ProTools Certification
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Department of Music Room 132 Seretean Center for the Performing Arts 132 Seretean Center Stillwater OK 74078 405-744-6133 Email: [email protected] Web: music.okstate.edu