169206 Free Music Industry Contacts

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Music Schools

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1953 Ricardo Ave. Fort Myers FL 33901 239-332-4246 Email: [email protected] Web: unitygain.com Program: Unity Gain Recording Institute offers two one year programs to teach the art of professional multi track recording: The Audio Recording Comprehensive Program and Advanced Techniques In Audio Recording.
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800 Algoma Blvd. Oshkosh WI 54901 920-424-4224 Email: [email protected] Web: uwosh.edu/musicDegree: B.M. in Recording Technology
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1460 University Dr. Winchester VA 22601 540-665-4581 Email: [email protected] Web: su.edu/conservatory Program: Music Recording Composition Sound Reinforcement MIDI and Music Production
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Department of Entertainment Industry 1 Harrison Plaza Florence AL 35632-0001 Contact: Dr. Robert Garfrerick Chair 256-765-4342 or 1-800-TALK-UNA Ext. 4342 Email: [email protected] Web: una.edu/entertainmentProgram: Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Entertainment Industry