169206 Free Music Industry Contacts

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Music Schools

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University of Rochester 26 Gibbs St. Rochester NY 14604-2599 585-274-1000 Web: esm.rochester.edu Cost: please call or see web for info
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P.O. Box 11013 Oakland CA 94611 360-921-5182 Email: [email protected] Web: cazfamilycamp.org/Program: Since 1957 our camp has been providing the best in musical education and performances.Cost: please call or see web for info
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Institute of Hawaiian Music 310 Ka’ahumanu Ave. Kahului HI 96732 808-984-3570 Web: maui.hawaii.edu/music Contact: Dr. Keola Donaghy
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430 S. MichiganAve. Chicago IL 60605 312-506-0600 Email: [email protected] Web: flashpoint.columbiacollege.eduProgram: Founded in 2007 and accredited by ACICS in 2011 Tribeca Flashpoint Media Arts Academy in the heart of downtown Chicago provides a two-year career-focused alternative to traditional four-year media arts colleges.