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AUDIENCE/CIRCULATION AUDITOR ABC June 2006 EDITORIAL PROFILE Publication gives an insider s perspective on today s fashion life; covers the people lifestyles and looks that define fashion life. Provocation is the single word lies at the heart of the W phi...
READERSHIP/AUDIENCE PROFILE General EDITORIAL PROFILE Publication is a lifestyles magazine geared toward the younger crowd.
AUDIENCE/CIRCULATION AUDITOR ABC 30-JUN-2008 EDITORIAL PROFILE Publication contains information of interest to residents of the greater Philadelphia area including sociological city and business trends as well as guides to area entertainment and dining fa...
READERSHIP/AUDIENCE PROFILE General EDITORIAL PROFILE Hill Rag focuses on community news education historic preservation public safety profiles arts and entertainment and dining
GENERAL DETAILS Cost: Paid AUDIENCE/CIRCULATION AUDITOR ABC December 2007 EDITORIAL PROFILE Weekly publication featuring celebrity gossip and fashion ideas reviews and tips