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READERSHIP/AUDIENCE PROFILE San Francisco Magazine reaches educated socially active professionals with disposable income.Sixty-eight percent of subscribers are female 51% are married and 59% are between the ages of 25 -54. Ninety-six percent of readers at...
READERSHIP/AUDIENCE PROFILE General EDITORIAL PROFILE RBM: A Journal of Rare Books Manuscripts and Cultural Heritage is the Association of College and Research Libraries journal covering issues pertaining to the world inhabited by special collections libr...
READERSHIP/AUDIENCE PROFILE Readers of 7x7 have an average age of 35 and an average annual household income of $100 000. Sixty-two percent of readers are female 94% have been to college 40% own homes and 23% plan to purchase a home within 2 years. EDITORI...
READERSHIP/AUDIENCE PROFILE General EDITORIAL PROFILE Envy Houston Magazine is a monthly lifestyle magazine which focuses on culture in Houston.
EDITORIAL PROFILE CHIC SIMPLE Magazine a joint venture between CHIC SIMPLE and Hearst Publications. This life-style onsert is devoted to helping women of all ages "wardrobe their life" and presents practical shopping solutions for home apparel entertainin...