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AUDIENCE/CIRCULATION AUDITOR ABC 30-SEP-09 EDITORIAL PROFILE Variety is a daily magazine that covers the entertainment industry. Since 1905 the most influential leaders in the industry have turned to Variety for timely credible and straight forward news a...
READERSHIP/AUDIENCE PROFILE General EDITORIAL PROFILE EQ Magazine is a monthly magazine that covers music technology recording techniques the best recorded music and books producer profiles and more.
GENERAL DETAILS Cost: Paid AUDIENCE/CIRCULATION AUDITOR 31-DEC-2008 EDITORIAL PROFILE Publication focuses on travel money gardening recipes events and people in Kentucky.
EDITORIAL PROFILE Swivel: The Nexus of Women and Wit is a biannual print literary magazine that is devoted to smart funny writing by smart funny women. The publication seeks to showcase fiction essays poems comix and artwork reflecting the raucous beauty...
AUDIENCE/CIRCULATION AUDITOR ABC June 2006 EDITORIAL PROFILE Publication gives an insider s perspective on today s fashion life; covers the people lifestyles and looks that define fashion life. Provocation is the single word lies at the heart of the W phi...