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AUDIENCE/CIRCULATION AUDITOR ABC June 2006 EDITORIAL PROFILE Publication gives an insider s perspective on today s fashion life; covers the people lifestyles and looks that define fashion life. Provocation is the single word lies at the heart of the W phi...
EDITORIAL PROFILE Publication contains news human interest stories and features of particular interest to the Latino community. This publication prefers to be reached via email only.
GENERAL DETAILS Cost: Paid READERSHIP/AUDIENCE PROFILE General EDITORIAL PROFILE Publication focuses on contemporary art literature theater film and music. You can follow Bomb Magazine on Twitter at https://twitter.com/BOMBMagazine
READERSHIP/AUDIENCE PROFILE Women EDITORIAL PROFILE Southern Lady Magazine is a bimonthly publication that celebrates delights and inspires women who live in the South?and those who are simply Southern at heart. It is published by Hoffman Media LLC.
GENERAL DETAILS Cost: Paid AUDIENCE/CIRCULATION AUDITOR ABC 30-JUNE-2009 EDITORIAL PROFILE VOGUE is edited to report on the changing roles and concerns of women covering not only evolutions in fashion beauty and style but the important issues and ideas of...