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Free VST Effects

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The Anvil is a digital emulation of a three channels tube preamplifier for guitar.
Ignite Amps
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Blockfish is a versatile compressor with countless ways to shape the incoming audio. Unlike many other digital compressors, Blockfish has 'soul'. It likes to bite, but it can be tamed easily once you've learned how to use its potential.
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SPAN is a free real-time “fast Fourier transform” audio spectrum analyzer AAX, AudioUnit and VST plugin for professional sound and music production applications.
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Mics were usually placed on axis at a distance of less than one inch. Room mic impulse responses have a "rm" in their file name.
Studio Nord Bremen
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Latency Delay is an auxiliary AAX, AudioUnit, and VST audio plugin which allows you to compensate latency produced by any audio plugins, instruments and processes which produce latency but do not try to report it to the audio host application.