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Pop Differente (wekelijks vers)

Guuzbourg (Perfects.nl)
Utrecht Netherlands
General Notes

A weekly refreshed stash of great non English pop. Think different also in music. Does Pourqoui always have to speak English? Warum not in Spanish French Italian Dutch Portuguese Japanese or any other language? You don't have to understand to be able to dance to it or blow it out. Fresh and classic external border pop delivered every week delivered to your home by Guuzbourg. You can reach us through our Contact Page. Website: http://www.perfects.nl Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/perfects.nl Twitter: @perfectsnl Contact Page: http://www.perfects.nl/perfect-partner Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/nl/playlist/perfect-pop-differente/pl.e289893f5fcf457d8563b444ee8ab5cc
