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techno Playlist

Ravit Levi (Ravit Levi Meditation Dance)
Tel Aviv Israel
Music Genre
TECHNO Views: 130
General Notes

I am Ravit a graduate of organizational psychology in occupational psychology and in the process of specializing in educational psychology for the past five years. But first and foremost I’m a dancer. This is a deep release experiential process of peeling dusty layers that conceal our inner self nature and a renewed choice to live out from our bright places and in true loyalty to who we are. This is a fascinating journey that allows us to expand our boundaries while giving attention and respect to our pace and ability at each moment. the process allows us to meet ourselves from a present and honest place and to find a new and innovative powers within us released them through the body and give them inhibited full expression. This process is empowering and full of joy and it allows us to open up to life beauty happiness and love.Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/raveit.md Twitter: @Ravit16299685 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raveit.md YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEPbH1lylunJn9Bt1NwCJiqFO3eI_Jol1