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The Finest Kiss (H)

Seattle WA USA
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General Notes

In case you were wondering my blog is named after the Boo Radleys song. I remember buying that single in Caen France while I was going to university there for the semester back in?well that doesn?t matter. The EP was called Every Heaven and it came out on Rough Trade. Anyway this blog is based in Seattle USA. It?s mostly about music but other things sneak in here and there. I originally started the thing to write about gigs the problem is though I can never seem to get to see everything I would like to see. I?m always looking for reviews of the ones I miss and appreciate it when somebody has taken the time to post a review of show they went to. So the original (and still current) intent was to fill in the gaps you know in case you may have missed your favorite band that played last night.

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