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(415) 362-7797
San Francisco
Street Address
59 Grant Avenue
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United States
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Last Name
Associate Editor
(415) 362-9797
General Notes

READERSHIP/AUDIENCE PROFILE Readers of 7x7 have an average age of 35 and an average annual household income of $100 000. Sixty-two percent of readers are female 94% have been to college 40% own homes and 23% plan to purchase a home within 2 years. EDITORIAL PROFILE 7x7 is a monthly consumer magazine published by San Francisco-based publishing company Hartle Media. The editors aim to produce a smart stylish magazine for a young affluent audience. 7x7 reflects the lifestyles of as well as the attitudes and image of the new San Francisco. 7x7 delivers the most comprehensive food design and fashion coverage in the Bay Area. Althought the magazine is focused on the Bay Area it does include content with national relevance such as celebrity interviews and features. 7x7sf.com provides expanded content including extensive event listings as well as and dining reviews. 7x7 also publishes the 7x7 Guide twice per year. The Guide includes comprehensive listings of places to dine drink shop listen see and sleep in San Francisco. A quarterly nightlife pocket guide is also published featuring the best clubs and bars in San Francisco. E-mail or snail mail is preferred for contact. No phone calls please.