Father/Daughter Records (Tyler Andere) music@fatherdaughterrecords.com
Misc Notes
Songs were jamming to at HQ. If you believe your music lines up with what we are doing please provide a link to stream (SoundCloud preferred - no Spotify Apple Music Google drive Dropbox etc.). Tell us a little bit about yourself (a written bio is much appreciated) and send over any other relevant content related to your project (videos press photos etc.). Send all submissions to our e-mail. We will try our best to reply to everything but please be patient with us. Website: https://www.fatherdaughterrecords.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fatherdaughterrecords Twitter: @father_daughter Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fatherdaughterrecs Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/pl.d4299251898e4c51a8c8ad88ce66e59c