169206 Free Music Industry Contacts

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EGO (Stefania Miani) [email protected]
Verbania Italy
General Notes

HOT. CALIENTE. LATINA! Wear your headphones and inspire your summer with our special selection. Submit your demo to EGO Music with a private audio link via our e-mail. We are very happy to receive a lot of demos everyday and we do our best to reply on every e-mail in person. We ensure you that our team will check out your demo and reply on your e-mail if we are interested in your music. Website: https://www.egomusic.net Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EgoItaly Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/egoitaly Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/pl.6ad926c143b34383891255bbb89fd399
