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Free VST Effects

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The Sanford Bass Tightener is a spatial effect for tightening up the stereo spread.
Leslie Sanford
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The TSE808 is emulating a famous tube screamer pedal.
TSE Audio
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Control the width of any track, perfect for making super-wide sounds or creating narrow, mono-like sources. Make your pianos, synths, and cymbals fill up your stereo image, or tighten up your low end by narrowing bass & kick
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Cerberus Audio Ice9 Automute is a free utility which protects your speakers, your ears, and your nerves from dangerously loud output levels.
Cerberus Audio
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Hysteresis is a versatile effects processor geared toward electronic musicians and sound designers. Process anything from drums to synths, guitars, vocals and sound effects.
Glitch Machines